
A more global approach to health

  • An expert, holistic approach to physical and emotional health

    Our programs combine the knowledge of leading CBT specialists with the latest technological innovations in data personalization for a unique user experience.

    Numerous international scientific studies have demonstrated the superiority of cognitive and behavioral therapies in the treatment of major health disorders. Online CBT is proving just as effective as face-to-face therapy.

    Make an appointment to find out more
  • Scientifically proven effectiveness

    The methods used in our programs are scientifically validated, and then subjected to clinical trials at CHRU.

  • Clinical results of the ThéraSomnia program

    • 83% success rate in reducing the severity of insomnia
    • 82% improvement in sleep efficiency
    • 91% cessation or reduction in use of sleeping pills


    Source: Evaluation of the effectiveness of a French online cognitive-behavioral therapy program for insomnia, ThéraSomnia. Sleep Disorders Unit, Gui de Chauliac Hospital, Montpellier, France.

    Find out more about the study
  • Clinical results of the LineCoaching program

    Clinical trials are currently underway at the Lille CHRU, with the support of the Institut Pasteur de Lille and the CHU de Reims.

    We have full-scale feedback from a base of almost 20,000 users, enabling us to increase the effectiveness of our online therapeutic programs.

    79% of our members have stabilized their weight or continued to lose weight between 1 and 3 years after the program.

    Find out more about the study